Room and Board

Golden Valley, MN

2015 - Ongoing

To demonstrate their committment to sustainable practices and employee well being, Room & Board commissioned Urban Ecosystems to reimagine their 20-acre corporate campus as a living landscape. The site plan includes a 6- acre woodland restoration, integrated rainwater management for parking areas, and conversion of turf grass lawn to urban meadow. With nearly 100 plant species, the meadow provides a dynamic array of seasonal colors and textures that enliven the campus throughout the year. With no required irrigation, fertilizers, or pesticides, the meadow also provides habitat for an abundance of pollinators while also creating an environment that promotes employee health and wellbeing. The reimagined campus has a bottom-line impact as well, with an 85% reduction in rainwater runoff, a reduced carbon footprint, and a realized 5-year return on investment due to annual landscape maintenence and stormwater fee cost savings.